Detailed program and papers March 19th
8:00 – 9:00
Registration and Breakfast Treats
Room: Great Hall in Levering Hall
9:00 – 10:15
Toward Mission-Ready AI Systems I
Room: 213
Session Chair(s): Jared Markowitz (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, USA)
Generative Planning for High Speed Navigation in Clutter
Brian Bittner (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Active learning for robust machine learning
Greg Canal (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Probabilistically Safe Stochastic MPC for Highly Agile Robots
Joseph Moore (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
9:00 – 10:15
Deep Learning I
Room: 305
Session Chair(s): Perveshwer Jaswal (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103312: Distributional and Byzantine Robust Decentralized Federated
Kaichuang Zhang and Ping Xu (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA); Zhi
Tian (George Mason University, USA)
1571087947: Neural Networks with Complex-Valued Weights Have No
Spurious Local Minima
Xingtu Liu (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
9:00 – 10:15
Information Theory, Communications, and Coding I
Room: 316
Session Chair(s): Pablo Iglesias (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571088087: Kalman Filter-Mutual Information Models Suggest Improved
Training Protocols for Treating Cortical Blindness
Christopher C Pack (McGill University, Canada); Charles D. Pack (Monmouth
University, USA)
1571103444: Relay Selection and User Equipment Admission in Resource Efficient NextG Sidelink Communications
Yalin E Sagduyu (Nexcepta, USA); Tugba Erpek (Virginia Tech, USA); Sastry
Kompella (NEXCEPTA INC, USA); Kemal Davaslioglu (Nexcepta Inc, USA)
1571102216: Performance Analysis of 5G Enabled Mission Critical Push-toTalk (MCPTT) Services for Secured Smart City
Shenko Chura Aredo (Hawassa University, Ethiopia); Hailu Jelde Wedajo (Adama
City Administration, Ethiopia); Hailu Kassa Belay and Kevin Kornegay (Morgan
State University, USA)
9:00 – 10:15
Optimization I
Room: 301
Session Chair(s): Rosy Xiong (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571095696: A Note on Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality for WellConditioned Matrices
Xingtu Liu (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
1571103032: Optimal Link Configuration for Covert Heterogeneous Wireless
Networks with Power Constraints
Amna Gillani and Beatriz Lorenzo (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA);
Majid Ghaderi (University of Calgary, Canada); Fikadu Dagefu (Army Research
Laboratory, USA); Dennis Goeckel (University of Massachusetts, USA)
9:00 – 10:15
Resource Optimization And Machine Learning For Diagnosis And Anomaly
Detection I
Room: 203
Session Chair(s): Cleon Davis (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103515: Simulation-Based Optimization for Policy Incentives and
Planning of Hybrid Microgrids
Nanrui Gong (Johns Hopkins University, USA); James Spall (Applied Physics
Laboratory, USA)
1571103225: Resource and Performance Improvements of Optimized
Convolutional Neural Networks for FPGA Implementations of Automatic
Modulation Recognition
Joshua A Rothe and Haya Shajaiah (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
9:00 – 10:15
Signal and Image Processing I
Room: 315
Session Chair(s): Roger David Soberanis Mukul (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103442: Using Random Forest and Linear SVM for Dyslexia Classification
on Hebb-Williams Mazes
Padmanabh Kaushik, Yih-Choung Yu and Lisa Gabel (Lafayette College, USA)
1571103455: Bayesian Graph Signal Estimation in Nonlinear GSP Models with
Multiple Topologies
Eyal Zeltzer (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel); Tirza Routtenberg (Ben
Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
1571103255: Incorporating Multi-Source Transfer Learning into an Unscented
Kalman Filter for Object Tracking
Omar Alotaibi (George Mason University, USA & King Saud University, Saudi
Arabia); Brian L Mark (George Mason University, USA)
10:15 – 10:45
Coffee Break
Room: Great Hall in Levering Hall
10:45 – 11:35
Toward Mission-Ready AI Systems II
Room: 213
Session Chair(s): Jared Markowitz (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Bridging the Human-Machine Information Gap for AI Fighter Pilots
John Winder (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
ConceptAgent: LLM-Driven Precondition Grounding and Tree Search for
Robust Task Planning and Execution
Corban Rivera (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
10:45 – 11:35
Deep Learning II
Room: 305
Session Chair(s): Perveshwer Jaswal (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103212: SmartPattern: a Machine Learning Framework for Detecting
Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Blockchain Smart Contracts
Peter Taiwo, Temitope Ajibola and Opeyemi Adeniran (Morgan State University,
1571103488: Novel Vector Embeddings by Molecular Attributes Helps deNovo Molecular Generation
Nandan Ajit Joshi (Johns Hopkins University, USA); Erhan Guven (JHU, USA
10:45 – 11:35
Information Theory, Communications, and Coding II
Room: 316
Session Chair(s): Pablo Iglesias (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103505: A Low-Complexity Scheme for Multi-Message Private
Information Retrieval
Ningze Wang (Texas A&M University, USA); Anoosheh Heidarzadeh (Santa Clara
University, USA); Alex Sprintson (Texas A&M University, USA)
1571103214: Key Exchange in the Quantum Era: Evaluating a Hybrid System of
Public-Key Cryptography and Physical-Layer Security
Paul Staat (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Germany); Meik
Dörpinghaus (TU Dresden, Germany); Azadeh Sheikholeslami (Suffolk
University, USA); Christof Paar (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy,
Germany); Gerhard P. Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany);
Dennis Goeckel (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
10:45 – 11:35
Optimization II
Room: 301
Session Chair(s): Rosy Xiong (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571098385: When a Straight-a Student Isn’t the Best: Fuzzy Ranking and
Optimization from a Probabilistic Perspective
Angela Li (Stony Brook University, USA); Xinyan Cui (Yeshiva University, USA);
David Li (Yeshiva University, USA)
1571103464: A Dynamic Framework for Optimizing Reward Policies in the
Sharing Economy
Angela Li (Stony Brook University, USA); Chengkun Yao and Cheng Li (Yeshiva
University, USA); David Li (Yeshiva University, USA)
10:45 – 11:35
Resource Optimization And Machine Learning For Diagnosis And Anomaly
Detection II
Room: 203
Session Chair(s): Cleon Davis (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571107480: Breast Cancer Diagnosis via Swarm-Optimized Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System
Aidan Greenlee (Johns Hopkins University, USA & Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory, USA); Neil Palumbo (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571103291: Hybrid 1D and 2D CNN-Transformer Architectures for Multilabel
12-Lead EKG Anomaly Detection
Ian J DeTore, John Samsundar and Cleon Davis (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
10:45 – 11:35
Signal and Image Processing II
Room: 315
Session Chair(s): Roger David Soberanis Mukul (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571102507: Mismatch-Robust Underwater Acoustic Localization Using a
Differentiable Modular Forward Model
Dariush Kari (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA); Yongjie Zhuang and
Andrew C. Singer (Stony Brook University, USA)
1571102867: Structured Sampling for Robust Euclidean Distance Geometry
Chandra S Kundu (University of Central Florida, USA); Abiy Tasissa (Tufts
University, USA); HanQin Cai (University of Central Florida, USA)
11:35 – 11:45
11:45 – 12:45
Plenary Speaker | Gil Zussman
Room: Hodson Hall 110
Session Chair(s): Pablo Iglesias (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
12:45 – 14:30
Lunch – on own
14:30 – 15:45
AI for Safety-Critical Systems
Room: 213
Session Chair(s): Tamim Sookoor (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory, USA)
Autonomic Computing-based Methods for ICS/SCADA and IIoT Security
Christopher Rouff, (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Testbed For Human-Autonomy Teaming (Testbed4HAT)
Aurora Schmidt (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Countering Drones in The Homeland
Charles Leeper (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Bridging Climate Projections and Infrastructure Planning: Advances in Deep
Learning-Based Downscaling
Marisel Villafane-Delgado (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
14:30 – 15:45
Estimation Performance Bounds I
Room: 203
Session Chair(s): Tirza Routtenberg (Princeton University, USA)
1571103510: On the Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound and Elliptically
Symmetric Distributions
Christ D. Richmond (Duke University, Durham, NC, USA & Pratt School of
Engineering, USA)
1571103098: Cramér-Rao Bound for Non-Bayesian Estimation After Detection
Nadav Harel (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel); Tirza Routtenberg
(Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
1571102633: Misspecified Barankin Type Bound
Nadav Eliran Rosenthal and Joseph Tabrikian (Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Israel)
14:30 – 15:45
Deep Learning III
Room: 305
Session Chair(s): Daniel Mendat (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571102717: Synthetic Time Series Data Generation for Healthcare
Applications: a PCG Case Study
Ainaz Jamshidi (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA & Koc University,
Turkey); Muhammad Arif (Colorado State University, Pueblo, USA); Sabir Ali
Kalhoro (University of Colorado, USA); Alexander Gelbukh (Instituto Politécnico
Nacional & Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexico)
1571103013: Demographic Attributes Prediction from Speech Using WavLM
Yuchen Yang and Thomas Thebaud (Johns Hopkins University, USA); Najim
Dehak (Hopkins University, USA)
1571103284: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning via Clipped
Uniform Quantization
Zavareh Bozorgasl and Hao Chen (Boise State University, USA)
14:30 – 15:45
Information Theory, Communications, and Coding III
Room: 316
Session Chair(s): Yen-Ju Lu (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571101240: Spectral Estimation of Weak Signals with Strong Interference via
Modulo Sampling
Shoaib Ahmed, Cengcang Zeng and Hongbin Li (Stevens Institute of Technology,
1571102453: One-Dimensional Kalman Filter with Measurement Noise
Replaced by Quantization
Pedro Aquino de Alcantara (Michigan Technological University, USA); Flavio
Costa (Michigan Tech, USA); Daniel Fuhrmann (Michigan Technological
University, USA)
1571103497: Analysis of Simplified Circuit Level Noise in T Gate
Yumin Li and Javier Garcia-Frias (University of Delaware, USA)
14:30 – 15:45
Signal and Image Processing III
Room: 315
Session Chair(s): Tülay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
1571100815: LS Channel Estimation with SIC Equalization of Mixed Signals for
a MIMO OFDM System
Funmilola B Akeju and Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes (Morgan State University, USA)
1571104211: Fusion of Multitask fMRI Data with Constrained Independent
Vector Analysis
Emin Erdem Kumbasar (University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC),
USA); Hanlu Yang (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA); Trung Vu
(University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA); Vince Calhoun (Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA); Tulay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore
County, USA)
1571104208: Adaptive Constrained ICA with Mixing Matrix Column
Constraints: Application to fMRI Data
Chunying Jia (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA); Weixin Wang and
Trung Vu (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA); Hanlu Yang and Ben
Gabrielson (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA); Vince Calhoun
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Tulay Adali (University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, USA)
14:30 – 15:45
Statistical Inference
Room: 301
Session Chair(s): Cleon Davis (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571101460: Detection of Performance Interference Among Network Slices in
5G/6G Systems
Van Sy Mai (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA); Richard J La
(University of Maryland, USA); Tao Zhang (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, USA)
1571102506: A Hypothesis Testing-Based Cyber Deception Framework Under
Sequential Reconnaissance
Abhinav Kumar and Swastik Brahma (University of Cincinnati, USA); Charles A
Kamhoua (DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory & Network Science Division,
1571103313: Comparative Confidence Regions Using Expected and Observed
Fisher Information
Geng Zhang (Johns Hopkins University, USA); James Spall (Applied Physics
Laboratory, USA)
15:45 – 16:15
Coffee Break
Room: Great Hall in Levering Hall
16:15 – 17:05
Panel: AI for Safety-Critical Systems: Are We Ready?
Room: 213
Session Chairs(s): Enrique Mallada and Yury Dvorkin (Johns Hopkins University,
Alvaro Velasquez (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – DARPA); Amy
Henninger (U.S. Department of Homeland Security – DHS); Jane Pinelis (JJHU/
16:15 – 17:05
Estimation Performance Bounds II
Room: 203
Session Chair(s): Tirza Routtenberg (Princeton University, USA)
1571102334: Opportunities and Challenges in Learning to Bound
Hai Victor Habi (Tel Aviv University, Israel); Hagit Messer (Tel-Aviv University,
Israel); Yoram Bresler (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
1571102975: New Insights into Lower Bound for Lie Groups and Their
Sara El bouch (University Cote d’Azur, France); Samy Labsir (IPSA TéSA, France);
Alexandre Renaux (University of Paris-Saclay, France); Jordi Vilà-Valls (ISAESUPAERO, University of Toulouse, France); Eric Chaumette (ISAE, France)
16:15 – 17:05
Information Theory, Communications, and Coding IV
Room: 316
Session Chair(s): Yen-Ju Lu (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
1571099044: Mobile User-RIS Channel Estimation Using Kalman Filter Based
Zhuoxuan Ju and Milos Doroslovacki (The George Washington University, USA)
1571103106: Blind SIMO Channel Estimation Subspace Method with Linear
Constraints and Channel Overmodeling: a Sensitivity Study
Kareem Y Bonna (Rutgers University & Peraton Labs, USA); Predrag Spasojevi?
(Rutgers University, USA)
16:15 – 17:05
Signal and Image Processing IV
Room: 315
Session Chair(s): Tülay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
1571103277: 2D-DOA Estimation in Uniform Circular Arrays in the Presence of
Mutual Coupling
Zavareh Bozorgasl and Hao Chen (Boise State University, USA); Mohammad
Javad Dehghani (Shiraz University of Technology, Iran)
1571104471: Grassmannian Kernels for Efficient and Effective Detection of
Group Differences in fMRI Data
Ashfia Binte Habib (University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC),
Bangladesh); Ben Gabrielson and Hanlu Yang (University of Maryland Baltimore
County, USA); Tulay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA);
Vince Calhoun (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
17:30 – 19:30
Room: Glass Pavilion in Levering Hal